smartphoto group – HALF-YEARLY RESULTS 2024

PRESS RELEASE – Regulated information
Wetteren, 22 August 2024 – 7.00 p.m.
smartphoto group – Euronext Brussels: SMAR


Smartphoto achieves quasi-stable revenue and invests in further growth
  • Revenue over the first 6 months of 2024 decreased slightly by 0.8%, and evolved from 30 031K euro last year to 29 780K euro as at 30 June 2024. 
  • Smartphoto experienced a decline in revenue (-2.5%) due to the decreasing popularity of Communion, while naYan recorded a revenue increase driven by new customers (+2.2%). 
  • Stagnating turnover, increasing costs and further investments in extra recruitments at naYan to support growth, led to a decrease in EBITDA from 3 273K euro over the first half of 2023, to 2 356K euro as at 30 June 2024 (-28.0%).
  • Due to the acquisition of TopFanZ, net cash decreased, on an annual basis, from 4 586K euro to 3 279K euro as at 30 June 2024.
  • Despite the uncertain general economic outlook, smartphoto group expects, for the second year half, a stabilisation of revenue and EBITDA. 

Click here to see the full press release.